Title Pedagogo reflektavimo gebėjimų raiška profesinėje veikloje /
Translation of Title Expression of teacher reflection in professional activities.
Authors Bosienė, Aistė
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Pages 80
Keywords [eng] reflection skills ; levels of reflection skills ; pedagogue ; professional activities.
Abstract [eng] At the national and international level, the quality system of the education system and every educational institution is set higher and higher, and the professional cartel of teacher’s competence is growing. The perception of reflection should become a fundamental basis for teacher’s every day’s life helping to realize meaningful content, forms and assumptions of own spiritual structure and features, helping to analyse critically. The main goal of this study is to determine how teacher’s reflection are manifested in pedagogical activities: in which professional activities reflection skills are expressed, when teacher’s reflection skills are expressed (before, during or after pedagogical activities), how did they change after distance learning. The case study was done to seek this aim: a quantitative method using written survey method and qualitative method using a semi-structured interview method, document analysis. The instrument was created based on the theory of reflection in three stages of activity (Schon, 1983), and theoretical analysis of the reflection concept and its significance in the pedagogical work according to various researches. The aim of the research is to reveal the expression of teachers' reflection skills in professional activities at the X - general education school. The object of research is the teacher’s reflection. The objectives of the study: 1) to justify theoretically the expression of reflection and reflection skills in professional activities; 2) to distinguish the study methodology of the teacher’s reflection in the X – general education school; 3) to evaluate the teacher’s reflection in the X – general education school. The data collection methods used in the master’s thesis are: the overview of the scientific literature, partially structured interview, written survey, the analysis of documents. Data analysis methods are: analysis of scientific literature is applied in theoretical analysis (analysed the insights of Lithuanian and foreign authors on pedagogical reflection in professional activities), comparative method is applied by comparing definitions and various authors attitudes to reflection process; modelling method is used for creating theoretical reflection in professional activities model; the model of interpretation is applied to substantiate the conceptual provisions of the study. The obtained quantitative data were processed by the SPSS program, and the information obtained during the qualitative research was obtained by the content analysis method. The study involved 55 educators. The results of the study revealed that the most effective expression of the teacher reflection is expressed before the activity, as the majority of respondents seek, reflect and go deep into the necessary information and their thoughts. It also reflects after activities, but it is more difficult to find meaningful understanding of one’s activities. The problematic situations experienced by most educators during their activities encourage them to rethink everything, but while they are performing activity they do not always think about how to perform successfully and improve it. Also, majority admit that they can empathize, and want to understand themselves, constantly rethink their thoughts. The expression of teacher’s self – reflection and empathy does not depend on their work experience, age and positions. Teachers have harder going to evaluate themselves from various perspectives and getting to know their feelings that effect their thinking, they consult less with professionals, and this became clear during and after activities. The support and constant encouragement of the administration contributes to the growth of the expression of the teacher’s reflection. Moving the educational process to distance education reflection continued but educators did not have time to reflect on their actions and had less time for self – knowledge and professional development. The analysis of the X – general education school documents revealed that not only the essential and general documents are followed, but also own created document of Personal Professional development (PPD), which emphasizes that all possibilities are created: to create a reflective pedagogical community; to encourage teachers to continue personal development by monitoring and researching their activities; cooperation is encouraged and professional development directions of the organization are supposed. This paper consists of: introduction, three parts (to reveal the theory, to substantiate the methodology and to carry out empirical research), conclusions, literature and source list, 24 tables, 15 images, 5 annexes. The total number of pages without annexes — 76.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022