Title Pedagogų veiklų pokyčiai realizuojant nuotolinį mokymąsi /
Translation of Title Changes in teachers' activities in the implementation of distance learning.
Authors Paulė, Simona
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Pages 89
Keywords [eng] activities ; change ; teachers ; distance learning
Abstract [eng] Rapid technological change and the threat of a Covid-19 pandemic around the world have led to major changes in education. In Lithuania, schools had to adapt to restrictions and prevention in order to stop the spread of the virus, so contact lessons were transferred to distance learning. The sudden transition has led educators to fundamentally redesign their work activities, adapting to the specifics of distance learning. Distance learning has led to redesign of the learning content, a different way of planning and organizing learning activities, and change assessment of progress. The process of interpretation and organization of concept of distance learning; the specificity of changes in pedagogical activities in the context of distance learning is justified. The aim of the research is to determine changes in teachers' activities in the implementation of distance learning in Lithuania. The objects of the research are changes in teachers' activities. Tasks: 1) to substantiate the activities of teachers in the context of distance learning; 2) to substantiate the research methodology of changes in teachers' activities during the transition to distance learning in Lithuania; 3) to determine the peculiarities of changes in the activities of Lithuanian teachers in the implementation of distance learning. The analysis of the scientific literature was performed in the master's thesis, the method of secondary data analysis was applied in the empirical research. The study was chosen to analyze research conducted in Lithuania, international research, determining the readiness of teachers to work remotely and the sharing of good practice of teachers. The results of the research revealed changes in the activities of Lithuanian teachers in the context of distance learning. In implementing distance learning, educators seek to maintain social interaction between the student, the educator, and parents through the choice of ICT tools, to create digital learning content, to apply strategies and methods, and to apply more elements of distance learning in lessons. The changes have led to more adjustments in the reporting time for creative and research / laboratory work on the subject. Assessment activities have also led to more active monitoring of learners' learning experiences and to providing feedback to students on individual assessments. Ensuring objective assessment becomes the biggest challenge in distance learning. Educators are more active in cooperating with the school administration, which, together with colleagues, helps to find solutions to problems. It has been established that in distance lessons, the teacher must create accessible conditions for learning for all groups of students. Structure: introduction, three parts of teaching (theoretical substantiation, methodological substantiation, performance of empirical research), conclusions, recommendations, references and appendices. Thesis consists of 87 pages (without appendixes).
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022