Title Apverstos klasės metodo panaudojimo 5 – 8 klasių anglų kalbos pamokose galimybės /
Translation of Title Possibilities of using the flipped classroom method in english lessons in grades 5-8.
Authors Jasilionienė, Vaida
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Pages 69
Keywords [eng] flipped classroom ; digital tools ; English language teaching
Abstract [eng] The aim of the final work is to develop a methodology for the use of interactive tools using the inverted class method in English lessons in grades 5-8. While writing the work, the following research tasks were set: to review the inverted class method and its application possibilities; to use the possibilities of using IT tools to realize the need to use the inverted class method; to design, create and develop a developed system that enables the creation of interactive objects and the use of collaborative tools using the inverted class method in English lessons; comparing two groups of students (one - learning traditional, the other - inverted class method), analyse students' feedback and evaluate their reflections using the inverted class method in English lessons, adjust the system; develop guidelines for English teachers on how to effectively apply the inverted classroom approach in foreign language lessons. The quantitative method of the questionnaire survey was performed for the research, the data of the questionnaire were grouped, presented in the pictures, later the results of the research were analysed, summarized and conclusions were formed. The participants of the study were students of grades 5-8 of Biržai Aušra Basic School, the results were summarized on the basis of 64 answers. Students were interviewed remotely. The results of the research show that the inverted classroom method is suitable for the use of English language teaching and corresponds to the ideas of active student-centred active learning and determines useful results. In addition, the use of information and communication technologies in the English language teaching and learning process is useful and effective. With new technologies, the educational process is changing and improving on a daily basis. With their help, the quality of English lessons, according to the students, improves, they become more interesting. The use of IT in lessons increases students' motivation and makes them work more efficiently and productively. The abundance of curricula and their use in English lessons also provide an opportunity for students to develop the competencies needed for life. Students also find that the use of IT in English lessons makes them more interesting and modern.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022