Title Darbuotojų profesinis ugdymas taikant nuotolinio mokymosi technologijas /
Translation of Title Vocational training of employees using distance learning technologies.
Authors Litvinas, Algirdas
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Pages 108
Keywords [eng] vocational education ; distance learning ; technologies ; competencies ; qualification of employees
Abstract [eng] Every organization needs to invest in effective human resource management processes, employee training, and ongoing training to gain a competitive edge. Oh, in order to exploit all the opportunities that currently exist, it is expedient to look for innovative, technologically advanced ways to create maximum benefits by saving resources. The object of the research is the professional training of employees at a distance. The aim of the research is to improve the efficiency of the use of employees' working time by creating a system of professional development of employees using distance learning technologies. Objectives of the research: 1. to review the concept, meaning and need of vocational education and distance learning and the criteria for the effectiveness of vocational education; 2. to review the most effective distance learning technologies for the development of professional competencies and skills of employees; 3. describe the conducted sociological research on the needs for distance learning; 4. to implement the designed in-service training system for employees by applying distance learning information technologies; 5. to carry out research and evaluate the impact of distance learning technologies on the efficiency of employees' working time. Research methods: analysis of scientific literature, survey, statistical data analysis, website design. As distance learning technologies can reduce company costs, increase the quality of work and enable efficient use of employees' working time, a system of professional training of employees has been designed and developed, which includes the basic competencies required for glass installer training: glass installation and processing, specifications, safety requirements, work with scaffolding, lifting of equipment and platforms. In the distance learning environment, the learning material is presented in various ways: in the form of text and text, external electronic resources are added. There are also opportunities to communicate and collaborate both with learners and with lecturers. Introduced knowledge testing options: self-tests and exam. The evaluation of the efficiency of the system for updating / raising the qualification of glass installers revealed that the system is assessed by users as very good (most of it is “very good”, a smaller part is “good”). To make the system even more attractive to the user, it would be possible to give the user the choice of design, add more discussions, ask questions, private correspondence or redirect links. It is also appropriate to review the questions for the exam and self-tests, to assess whether it is appropriate to adjust the questions, or to add more training material.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022