Title Gardelinių struktūrų, suformuotų lydžios masės formavimo būdu iš polikarbonatinės medžiagos, mechaninių savybių tyrimas ir modeliavimas /
Translation of Title Research and modelling of mechanical properties of lattice structures formed by fused filament fabrication from polycarbonate material.
Authors Radzevičius, Evaldas
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Pages 63
Keywords [eng] lattice structures ; additive manufacturing ; structural modelling
Abstract [eng] In this paper, novel noncubic BCCZ and FCCZ lattice structures are proposed and evaluated. To assess the viability of said novel lattice structures, tension and compression experiments were conducted. To determine the effect of printing direction on the mechanical properties of Prusa PC blend material, the specimens were printed in three directions: vertically, on a 45° incline and horizontally. The experimental data was then used to develop the nonlinear material model which was later used to simulate the behavior of the lattice structure under load. The validation of said model was then undertaken. The devised model was deemed inadequate and was calibrated improved. The calibrated model was then used for the parametric analysis to determine how the shape coefficient (the ratio of width and height of unit cell) impacts the reaction force of the cell. It was determined that the printed polycarbonate material was highly anisotropic. The strongest and most rigid in tension was the horizontally printed material, having the tensile strength of 62 MPa and elastic modulus of 2 136 MPa. The diagonally printed material was 48 percent weaker and 9,6 percent more compliant, and the vertically printed material was 54 percent weaker and 12,5 percent more compliant. The devised nonlinear model was deemed too inaccurate for further use, as the percent error was between 30 and 50 percent, compared to the experimental data. The improved model was much more accurate – its percent error did not exceed 20 percent. During the parametric analysis, it was determined that the BCCZ lattice with the shape coefficient of 0,6 is 39 percent more rigid than the cubic lattice, while the displacement was equal to 1 mm. FCCZ lattice was 28 percent more rigid under the same circumstances.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022