Title Virtualioji moksleivių ugdymo karjerai sistema /
Translation of Title Virtual system for student career education.
Authors Kačinskienė, Daiva
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Pages 93
Keywords [eng] student career education ; choice of a profession, distance learning ; virtual system ; information and communications technologies (ICT)
Abstract [eng] Choice of a profession is one of the most important decisions that people make in their lives. All theories stress that choice of a profession is a long-term process in which self-knowledge is emphasized first. Analysis of a variety of necessary skills clarifies that career competence consists of a system of four separate competences: personal, social, learning and professional. Today career education in schools of general education is a fragmented process that is integrated into other activities. The aim of this master's thesis was to create a system that would help to reduce the fragmentation of career education while using information and communications technologies. To achieve the objective, the model of career development, that is being used by Lithuanian schools, and the possibilities of its adaptation to distance learning were analyzed, technological solutions for the development of a virtual system of student’s career education were sought, eventually a system was developed and tested in a gymnasium. The system design process included an analysis of ICT tools and instruments that are currently used in the Gymnasium for the distance learning process, considered which tools would suit the implementation of the virtual student’s career education system and be compliant with the expectations of system users: this system will save teachers’ some preparation for the class time, help them to develop their career competences and deliver it to their students qualitatively. The virtual system of student’s career education consists of several elements, each of which performs it’s functions: a website was designed to integrate all elements into united system, virtual learning platform MOODLE was used to create training courses and present e-learning materials, Microsoft TEAMS intended for synchronous and asynchronous communication and Microsoft OneDrive for file storage. The system is suitable for both face-to-face and remote learning career education. Students can analyze the learning materials that are provided, complete assignments, create their career plan, store everything in a cloud repository and share it with the persons that are responsible, so it could be compared with previous material the following year or when needed. Those responsible for career education can monitor students' activities in the MOODLE course, review students' career plans on OneDrive, leave their comments about them and, if necessary, provide individual consultations remotely via the TEAMS application. The career development process would be continuous until the student graduates from the gymnasium and is able to choose another path (educational institution or labor market). A usability study was carried out while collaborating with the users of the system, using a survey of students in Years 3 to 4 of gymnasium. Teachers were asked to fill in SWOT analyzes. Based on the positive feedback from teachers about the developed product and the increased results of the student survey, it is recommended that the Virtual Career Development System would be used in schools of general education in order to implement the Career Development Programme.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022