Title Study of loss identification and elimination in food manufacturing company “X” /
Translation of Title Nuostolių identifikavimo ir eliminavimo studija maisto pramonės įmonėje “X”.
Authors Kiverytė, Inga
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Pages 64
Keywords [eng] Lean ; total productive maintenance ; autonomous maintenance ; loss ; food industry.
Abstract [eng] The main aim of this research project is to analyse the influence of systematic autonomous maintenance implementation on efficiency losses in the food manufacturing environment. Analysis of existing literature was performed and disclosed that utilization of Lean methods in the food industry is still low, mostly due to industry specifics, such as inflexible layouts, unpredictable demand, food safety requirements, and product perishability. Also, a lack of practical research papers was identified. Therefore, the study presents the implementation of autonomous maintenance steps 1 and 2 according to the framework of food manufacturing company „X“ in the model line, and the results of it are presented in terms of general efficiency losses. Initial line-level loss analysis was performed according to general types of efficiency losses and a system to collect data on equipment level losses was established. The tools of 2 initial steps of autonomous maintenance were implemented: small group activities, 5S, sources of contamination and hard to reach places elimination, equipment defects handling system, autonomous cleaning and inspection, as well as skill matrix, one-point lessons, daily management system and continuous improvement tools: Kaizen and root cause analysis. The results demonstrate the high capability to eliminate line losses related to breakdowns and operational losses through small group activities and problem-solving techniques, for instance, root cause analysis. Systematic implementation of autonomous maintenance steps 1 and 2 increased the general efficiency of the model line by 2.4%, which results in 128 hours of production time or 18 048 EUR yearly labour cost savings. In addition, cost avoidance due to reduced duration is 11 280 EUR per year as the number of changeovers on the line increased by 20%. As well as the high potential of labour cost savings by elimination of sources of contamination and hard to reach places which are estimated at 1251 labour hours per year, or 11 759 EUR.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2022