Title Development of PCB-based electromagnetic actuation drive /
Translation of Title Elektromagnetinės pavaros PCB pagrindu kūrimas.
Authors Samuolis, Mažvydas
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Pages 53
Keywords [eng] planar drive ; PCB stator ; magnetic levitation ; electromagnetic drive ; flat coils
Abstract [eng] This project presents a proof-of-concept multi-degree-of-freedom electromagnetic planar drive with a PCB-based stator and an untethered permanent magnet mover. Utilizing a PCB-based stator allows to develop easily customizable, low mechanical complexity, and affordable systems for the use in robotic assembly operations, precision micromachining, precision positioning and manipulation, as well as cleanroom manufacturing and material handling. This work proposes a PCB-based stator topology comprising 2D array of flat electromagnetic coils. In order to achieve this, firstly a FEM analysis of individual flat coils is carried out, selecting two best performing coils for physical tests – both with 0.1mm track width and spacing, 0.035mm copper layer thickness, 4mm in diameter; one single-layer, another two-layer. Then, a physical PCB testbed, consisting of 4 distinct test zones (individual coil test zone, linear motion test zone, rotary motion test zone, and planar motion test zone) is developed and manufactured. Using this testbed, experiments are firstly performed on the individual coils, demonstrating a maximum magnetic flux density of 0.6mT for the single-layer coil and 0.9mT for the double-layer coil, which is in agreement with the FEM results. Next, the experiments demonstrated that both double and single-layer coils have a maximum payload capacity of approximately 1.5g for pulsed current and approximately 1g for continuous current (considering specific thermal dissipation setup used for the tests). Lastly, the 3 developed stators with a basic control algorithm allowed to demonstrate 101mm/s linear speed, and 125rpm rotational speed. Further work on a custom motor driver is advised to reach the maximum potential of the developed drives with PCB-based stators. Finally, economic viability of a custom multi-DOF electromagnetic planar drive with a PCB-based stator is evaluated. With assumptions that 3 full-time engineers are employed in order to maintain and further develop the product to customer specifications, as well as 20-unit demand of custom drives a year, the value of one full system with a 30% profit margin totals 6721€.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2022