Title Veiksnių, lemiančių organizacijų perėjimą prie debesų technologijų principu veikiančių verslo valdymo sistemų, tyrimas /
Translation of Title Factors determining the transition of organizations to cloud-based business management systems.
Authors Gapšytė, Karolina
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Pages 116
Keywords [eng] enterprise resource planning systems ; ERP ; cloud computing ; cloud ERPS
Abstract [eng] The rapid progress of information technologies and other innovations and their application and use are increasingly facilitating human work, as well as making a significant contribution to improving the governance of organizations and their structures. The business environment is increasingly talking about innovation, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and cloud computing. Due to the ongoing rapid progress and increasing competition, companies are constantly looking for ways to improve their processes and stay in the market. It is cloud computing that has been making its way into businesses and contributing to their management over the past few years. In the 20 century, when the business management systems appeared, they changed corporate governance processes. Installed systems have long been the only way out for companies that want to have optimized processes, but they are slowly giving way to cloud systems. Statistics and many studies show that the demand for cloud systems is growing, so it is important and useful to examine the factors that determine the transition of companies from installed systems to cloud systems and the benefits of these systems. In this work, the case of companies' transition from installed systems to cloud systems is investigated and analyzed. The final master's project is designed to study the object of business management systems. The aim of the research of the final master's project is to investigate the factors that determine the transition of organizations to cloud-based business management systems. The final master's project consists of 4 parts. The first part analyzes the concept and problems of business management systems. The second part analyzes the theoretical solutions of the factors that determine the transition of companies to cloud-based business management systems. The third part presents a methodology for researching the factors that determine the transition of companies to cloud-based business management systems. The fourth part analyzes the results of the study of the factors that determine the transition of companies to the operating principles of cloud technology operating systems and presents the conclusions.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022