Title Tvari asmenų su negalia karjera /
Translation of Title Sustainable career of people with disability.
Authors Skukauskaitė, Kamilė
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Pages 93
Keywords [eng] people with disabilities ; sustainable career ; employability.
Abstract [eng] Relevance of the topic. The ongoing changes in the economy, technology, labor market, social life, are affecting society as well as organizations ant its employees. Competition, technologies, stress, uncertainty, knowledge-based economy, growing expectations, and requirements – all of which motivates to reach sustainability. The latter improves the quality of life, ensures resource conservation, is associated with a holistic approach in organizations. There is an increasing focus on the long-term well-being of the employee, and this is where the need arises to talk about a sustainable career that brings the greatest value to human resources. However, there is a lack of studies of sustainable career opportunities for individual social groups in the scientific literature. One of the undiscovered human resources is people with disabilities, who are often excluded from both society and the labor market. The integration of people with disabilities into the labor market is important both economically and socially for all the stakeholders. For people with disabilities this means an opportunity to remain active in the labor market, to maintain good health, to take care of psychological and physical well-being, to constantly update their knowledge and skills and, in the long run, to develop their careers and be able to find employment at any time in life. As people with disabilities have certain limitations that hinder their participation in the labor market, the environment around them is particularly important as it determines their careers. In Lithuania, people with disabilities are still often excluded from society, research covers only the problems of their integration into the labor market, while their sustainable careers are not being discussed. It is therefore important to find out what factors affect the sustainable careers of people with disabilities. The main results of the project: The analysis of thirteen people with disabilities’ experiences revealed that the role of employers in ensuring a sustainable career is one of the key factors. State support for education and business, adequate physical and organizational working conditions that reconcile work and health needs also have a positive impact on enabling sustainable careers for people with disabilities. In addition to these factors, a sustainable career is also determined by the personal influence of people with disabilities through their motivation and pro-active behavior. People with disabilities are eager to study, look for career opportunities, and engage in a variety of activities.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022