Title Skaitmeninių technologijų galimybės įtraukti vartotojus į atvirųjų inovacijų kūrimo procesus /
Translation of Title Opportunities of digital technologies for consumer engagement into open innovation processes.
Authors Stokytė, Sandra
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Pages 74
Keywords [eng] digital technologies ; open innovation processes ; consumer engagement
Abstract [eng] In today‘s world we cannot imagine our daily routine without digital technologies. Looking through the business prism, they promote most of the changes from the processes of implementing the innovation activities of corporate innovation to the changes in consumer behavior themselves. As a result of market becoming more overcrowded it is important for each company to monitor constantly changing needs of consumers and to meet them as quickly as possible. In order to gain and ensure a competitive advantage in the market, small and medium -sized enterprises must constantly look for ways to improve the results of innovation or start innovating and as one of the unique ways to implement this is the application of digital technologies and their use to engage consumers into open innovation processes - idea generation, co-creation, testing and commercialization.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022