Title Lietuvos transporto sektoriaus konkurencingumo didinimo Europoje galimybių vertinimas /
Translation of Title Assessment of the possibilities of increasing the competitiveness of the Lithuanian transport sector in Europe.
Authors Grigalavičius, Ovidijus
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Pages 75
Keywords [eng] competitiveness ; transport ; logistics
Abstract [eng] The relevance of the topic lies in the key role played by the transport sector in the modern economy. It connects economic operators, keeps production processes running and most importantly, gets goods to their final users. Although the transport sector comprises road, rail, water and air transport but this paper focuses on road transport. Without the smooth and efficient operation of this sector it would not be possible to achieve the desired result of a seamless movement of goods. As the transport sector in Lithuania accounts for a significant share of GDP, the study of the competitiveness of this sector is important in order to objectively assess the situation and to reveal not only the strengths and weaknesses of the sector, but also the opportunities and threats. The transport sector is one of the most polluting in Europe and in recent years, with the talk of climate change, more and more money is being invested in renewable technologies and alternative fuels to give transport companies not only a competitive advantage but also to make them greener. That is why the subject of this paper is the competitiveness of the Lithuanian transport sector in the European market.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022