Title Ekologiško pieno produktų sektoriaus konkurencingumo vertinimas Lietuvos rinkoje /
Translation of Title Assessment of the competitiveness of the organic dairy sector in the Lithuanian market.
Authors Juzukonytė, Raminta
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Pages 90
Keywords [eng] organic dairy products ; competitiveness of the sector ; competitiveness assessment
Abstract [eng] Competitiveness and its determinants are among the most frequently analyzed areas in the world. At present, the market for organic food in Lithuania is growing by at least a tenth every year, but it still remains small compared to other countries. As most consumers in Lithuania cannot afford this high price of organic products, this market remains expanding. As a result, most producers and suppliers of organic products choose to export their products to other countries where ecology has a larger number of consumers and deeper traditions of ecology. Global demand for organic food is growing very fast, consumers are becoming more aware and choosing organic food. The Lithuanian organic dairy sector is facing intense competition, which is hampered by constant pressure from market participants and competitors. It is very important that companies react quickly to market changes, innovate, constantly monitor and adapt to their competitive environment. It is therefore important to strengthen your company's competitive advantage. The aim of this work is to evaluate the competitiveness of the Lithuanian organic dairy sector and identify its advantages in the Lithuanian market. To achieve the goal of the work, four tasks have been set: to perform the analysis of the competitiveness of the Lithuanian organic dairy products sector; to study the theoretical aspects of competitiveness assessment; to develop a methodology for research into the competitiveness of the organic dairy sector; to carry out a competitiveness assessment study of the Lithuanian organic dairy sector. The object of the research is the competitiveness of the Lithuanian organic dairy products sector. After the analysis of the competitiveness of the organic dairy sector, the tendencies of organic food products in the European and Lithuanian markets are analyzed, the situation of organic dairy products in the Lithuanian market is assessed and the participants of the organic dairy sector in the Lithuanian market are analyzed. After summarizing the tendencies of organic products in the European and Lithuanian markets, it became clear that the number of organic products processing companies in Lithuania and Europe is growing, the dairy market is growing the fastest. Factors such as household consumption expenditure, gross domestic product or inflation it is also affecting the market for organic products, and the growing number of consumers is affecting the growth of organic dairy production. After researching the theoretical aspects of the sector competitiveness assessment, the concept of competitiveness is identified, models and research methods of competitiveness are studied, and solutions for increasing competitiveness are identified. Summarizing the authors' thoughts, the modern concept of competitiveness raises the problem of ensuring high education, knowledge, production of intangible assets and technological infrastructure. Three factors of competitive6 advantage are distinguished: the number of competitors in the market, the distribution of market share among competitors, barriers to entry and exit. After the analysis of the research, 2 questionnaires were prepared and conducted, which allow to identify the need of the organic dairy products sector in the Lithuanian market, to determine and evaluate the competitive advantages of the organic dairy products sector in relation to consumers and suppliers in Lithuania. It has been established that the organic dairy products sector has competitive advantages in the Lithuanian market. The results show that the number of service providers and the quality of production, the use of new technologies and the availability of resources have the strongest impact on competitive advantages. Some of the most important factors are the focus of business management on efficiency, business opportunities for micro-enterprises and the price of organic dairy products, pricing strategy.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022