Title Lietuvos vartotojų segmentavimas pagal tvarų maisto vartojimą /
Translation of Title Segmentation of Lithuanian consumers according to sustainable food consumption.
Authors Dvariškytė, Ugnė
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Pages 100
Keywords [eng] segmentation of Lithuanian consumers ; two-step cluster analysis ; sustainable food consumption ; sustainable food consumption behavior
Abstract [eng] The deteriorating state of the environment and the problems of climate change have led states, governments, organizations and academics to look for solutions to these problems. In this way, the concept of sustainability has emerged, which still does not have a single precise definition, but the essence of this term is to ensure harmony between human needs and nature. To this end, the Sustainable Development Goals have been set up. One of the most important of them is to ensure sustainable patterns of production and consumption. Sustainable consumption must be ensured in all areas, but the authors point out that special attention should be paid to food consumption, given that it has one of the greatest negative environmental impacts. In order to move towards more environmentally friendly solutions, not only governments and various organizations are involved in the process, but discussions are also taking place in the academic community. Attitudes and involvement in sustainable food consumption, its determinants and the links between consumption and various factors have been extensively studied in the scientific literature. Nevertheless, according to the authors, it is not enough to examine these factors alone, as there is a consumer attitude-behavior gap, which is important to examine separately. In conducting these studies, the researchers found that there are patterns in the behavior of certain consumers, leading to the development of segmentation studies aimed at grouping consumers according to similar characteristics. These studies are important in identifying gaps where consumers behave unsustainably and, by linking them to segment-specific values, to develop more effective communication campaigns to encourage consumers to behave more sustainably.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022