Title Impact of economic inertia on economics: a methodological framework /
Authors Navickas, Valentinas ; Bačiulienė, Vaida
DOI 10.17512/znpcz. 2021.4.04
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Is Part of Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Częstochowskiej. Zarządzanie = Research Reviews of Czestochowa University of Technology. Management.. Częstochowa : Wydawnictwo Politechniki Częstochowskiej. 2021, Nr. 44, p. 46-53.. ISSN 2083-1560
Keywords [eng] economic inertia ; macroeconomic factors ; methodology ; sustainable economic growth ; sustainable economic development
Abstract [eng] The article is devoted to the phenomenon of economic inertia. The authors of the study conducted sufficiently detailed research of economic inertia, on the basis of which the damage to the economy from various economic reforms or economic shocks can be revealed in a timely manner. as Additionally, guidelines can be outlined for further eco- nomic growth and sustainable economic development. In their in-depth research on the concept of economic inertia, the authors introduced into usage and employed new concepts of certainty, uncertainty, insufficiency and the redundancy of economic inertia. The authors delineated out as many as four levels of complexity of economic inertia uncertainty. The empirical research is based on a model of the impact of subsidies on the economy. The research model demonstrates that the use of subsidies decreases the market equilibrium price. Innovative companies lose motivation to pursue sustainable economic growth and ensure competitiveness. In this case, the phenomenon of economic inertia is obvious and deprives businesses of the incentives to use innovation to ensure economic growth. Thus, subsidies as a system of stimulus and rescue in the strategic aspect of increasing competi- tiveness have negative effects on the country's economy.
Published Częstochowa : Wydawnictwo Politechniki Częstochowskiej
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2021
CC license CC license description