Title Bekontaktis kvėpavimo ir širdies ritmo registravimas elektromagnetiniais impulsiniais radarais /
Translation of Title Contactless registration of respiration and heart rate using electromagnetic pulsed radars.
Authors Mažeika, Mindaugas
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Pages 60
Keywords [eng] respiration rate ; heart rate ; contactless registration ; signal processing
Abstract [eng] Respiration and heart rate are two out of four most important Vital signs and are related to a variety of diseases. Contact-based respiration and heart rate measuring methods restrict person's movements, are unsuitable to register new-borns', people's with severe burns, people's with contagious diseases Vital signs. The goal of this work is to investigate the feasibility of contactless registration of respiration and heart rate using electromagnetic pulsed radar. To reach this goal the methods to register respiration and heart rate using electromagnetic pulsed radars are reviewed, a respiration and heart rate radar's signal's model is established, a radar's signal processing algorithm to register human's respiration and heart rate is proposed and investigated by performing modelled and real experiments. The theoretical section provides a review of respiration and heart rate monitoring's importance, methods, motivates the importance of contactless registering. This section also provides a review of the types of electromagnetic reviews and signal processing algorithms, with which proposed algorithm is compared. The methodological section presents designed and made Vital signs phantom, its signal's model, proposed signal processing algorithm to register respiration and heart rate, the plan of performed experiments, and statistical methods. In research section the results of performed experiments are presented. During modelled experiments detected respiration rate differed from the actual by 0,04 ± 0,09 RPM, while detected heart rate differed from the actual by -0,63 ± 1,72 BPM. During real experiments detected respiration rate differed from the actual by 0,08 ± 0,49 RPM, while detected heart rate differed from the actual by -4,19 ± 3,89 BPM.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2021