Title Analysis of energy storage in the electrical grid: optimization for microgrid and frequency containment reserve usage /
Translation of Title Energijos kaupiklių elektros tinkle tyrimas: mikrotinklo optimizavimas ir pritaikymas dažnio palaikymo rezervui.
Authors Fregoso, Felipe Diego
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Pages 51
Keywords [eng] battery ; microgrid ; frequency control ; ancillary service ; energy storage
Abstract [eng] Energy storage is expected to have a larger responsibility in the future of the electrical grid due to the increase in renewable energy sources that have variable generation. In this thesis, energy storage‘s role in the electrical grid is discussed along with its economic viability based on its current costs. The different methods of storing energy are beneficial for different responsibilities in the grid. Ancillary service markets are changing their requirements to allow energy storage to enter the market. Two separate simulations were created in this project to analyze how batteries perform financially during their lifetime. The first simulation is an optimization model that finds the best sizing for a PV and battery microgrid system that has the lowest cost over a 12-year period. The model uses a load profile and solar irradiation data to calculate how much power is produced by the PV and how much load is consumed each hour. The battery in this model is used as an energy reserve to support the PV when it does not produce enough power to support the load instead of purchasing power from the main grid. The simulation uses the particle swarm optimization model where each position of a particle represents a PV and battery sizing value. The optimization model can find the solution at a much faster speed than iterating through each possible sizing. The simulation found that batteries are not justified in their use as the optimal solution only included PV capacity. The price of the BESS system is too expensive today compared the low prices of purchasing power from the main grid. The frequency reserve ancillary service market was simulated to analyze if it would be profitable for a BESS provider to enter the market. Some TSOs have altered their market and it has caused many BESS providers to participate in the frequency reserve service. Lithuania is in the planning process of creating a frequency reserve market along with the other Baltic countries and specifications from their proposed market along with data from already existing markets in continental Europe was used for the model. There are 3 different services that are expected in the future market and the fastest service (FCR) is expected to have the most profitability for a BESS. The model uses a BESS to either charge or discharge its power depending on the frequency deviation of the grid to provide its service over a 16-year period. Different sizes for the BESS energy capacity and bid capacity were simulated, but none of them were deemed a good investment at the end of the simulation. The speculated battery prices by 2030 could make it possible for frequency response service with BESS to be a viable investment in the future.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2021