Title The capacity of transmedia storytelling to convey values of Harry Potter /
Translation of Title Transmedijų pasakojimo galimybės Hario Poterio vertybėms perteikti.
Authors Lankauskaitė, Viktorija
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Pages 55
Keywords [eng] transmedia storytelling ; Harry Potter ; values ; media ; MAXQDA
Abstract [eng] Stories and storytelling are an integral part of culture and human existence. With stories people learn a way of life and can find escape and consolation through the trials of life. Fantasy stories offer that in an even bigger way. As culture turns digital and different media overtake many of our experiences, stories move to different media as well. Transmedia storytelling defines that movement and informs about a bigger phenomenon. Yet, the power of stories and their lessons are still needed, so the question arises: if the form of the story changes, do morals and lessons of those stories remain? The problem addressed in this work is whether it is possible to learn the values, morals and other teachings of original stories from their transmedia forms. So, the aim of this study is to determine the media capacity to transfer the messages and values of the original media in transmedia storytelling. The objectives to achieve the aim are as follows: 1) To review the literature and theoretical approaches on storytelling with the focus on the educational aspects of stories, especially fantasy, on transmedia storytelling and its characteristics, and on the role of the medium regarding storytelling; 2) To present a philosophical perspective on ethics, virtues, morality, and values, and their importance, and to review how they are reflected in Harry Potter series; 3) To compare the representations of ethics, virtues, morality, and values in different media; 4) To determine the capacity of different media to transfer the original educational messages. A content analysis of three different media channels, original novel, a film adaptation, and a mobile game, containing Harry Potter material with the focus on the representations of ethics, virtues, morality, values, and other lessons is employed. The results reveal that the original medium – a novel contains a variety of values, morals and lessons on a complex and deep level. As the story moves to different media and further from the original, the value representations lose their complexity and decrease in numbers but remain nevertheless, thus proving that transmedia storytelling has the capacity to convey values of Harry Potter but depends on the possibilities of the medium. The work consists of summary, introduction, theoretical and research parts, and conclusions.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2021