Title Statutinių valstybės tarnautojų tarnybos darbo organizavimo ir mobingo ryšys Valstybės sienos apsaugos tarnyboje prie Lietuvos Respublikos Vidaus reikalų ministerijos /
Translation of Title Relationship between work organization and mobbing of Statutory civil servants in the State Border guard service under the ministry of the interior of the Republic of Lithuania.
Authors Ažukienė, Giedrė
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Pages 102
Keywords [eng] mobbing ; workplace bullying ; statutory civil cervant ; civil service ; statutory office
Abstract [eng] Mobbing is not a new phenomenon, but its concept still lacks clarity and completeness. It is increasingly being analyzed not only in the scientific literature, but also in the society as a whole. The development of this phenomenon in the organization can begin with the simplest conflict, not necessarily due to work, and grow into a major problem, for example, changing jobs. Until this decision, however, the victim of mobbing suffers psychologically and physically, from health disorders. The consequences of Mobbing are felt not only by the employee, but also by the organization but the surroundings aas well. Mobbing has been widely studied in health care, education, and social work (Vveinhardt, 2010).However, due to certain specific features of the organization of the institution's activities, the phenomenon of mobbing has been very little analyzed in statutory institutions. The organization of the work of the Office of Statutory Civil Servants differs from other civil servants by a strict legal regulation of activities, a hierarchical system of management, as well as a leadership style and a unique organizational culture with high moral requirements. The main focus of both foreign and Lithuanian research was based on police officers, but the activities of State Border Guard officers were studied in a very fragmented way. The final project addresses the problematic question - how does the organization of the work of the statutory civil servant service affect the prevalence of mobbing in the statutory institution? The aim of the work is to analyze the connection between the work organization of statutory civil servants and the phenomenon of mobbing in the organization. Tasks formed to achieve the goal: 1) To analyze the theoretical approaches to the organization of the work of statutory civil servants and the emergence of mobbing in the organization. 2) To review the manifestations of the mobbing phenomenon in international and national legal documents. 3) To investigate the connection between the work organization and mobbing of the statutory civil servants in the State Border Guard Service. The following methods were used in the final project: analysis of scientific literature, analysis of legal documents, quantitative research. After the analysis of the scientific literature, the reasons for the emergence of the mobbing phenomenon and the course of development in the organization were revealed and analyzed, the peculiarities of the work organization of statutory civil servants and the theoretical connection between the occurrence of the mobbing phenomenon and the work organization of the statutory civil servants were identified and singled out. Using the method of analysis of legal documents, the regulation of the mobbing phenomenon in international and national legal regulation was analyzed. Applying the method of quantitative research, a study of the organization of the work of the Statutory Civil Servants and mobile communication in the Pagėgiai border team of the State Border Guard Service under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania was carried out. The results of the study revealed that the manifestations of mobbing in the latest statutory body were very low. After a detailed analysis of the factors of work organization of the service, the relationship between these factors and the indicators of mobbing activity categories was established. It was found the values of indicators of mobbing activity categories decrease following the increase of positive organizational factors. The conclusions and recommendations of the final project are presented. The final project consists of 85 pages, 17 tables and 14 figures, the bibliography consists of 86 scientific articles, the list of scientific sources consists of 42 sources.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2021