Title Aspects and mitigation measures of potential risks of foreign economic intervention disrupting Lithuanian state economic security /
Translation of Title Užsienio ekonominių intervencijų potencialios rizikos Lietuvos ekonominiam saugumui aspektai ir švelninimo priemonės.
Authors Spencer, Kieran Robert
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Pages 81
Keywords [eng] economic security ; economic pressure ; economic security forms ; national security ; Lithuania
Abstract [eng] This final project explained relevant theories of Economic Security in order to construct a definition State Economic Security consistent with modern academic literature and understandings. For this project State Economic Security is defined the protection of a given national economy from sudden intentional non-military disruptions to its economy caused by a foreign state or nonstate actor for the purposes of influencing the target state’s policy’. Lithuania’s State Economic Security is primarily shaped by state-to-state tensions between the Lithuanian government and the Russian Federation, and to a lesser extent Belarus and China. Threats to Lithuanian State Economic Security include proportional and scare resource and proportionally asymmetrical trading relationships, foreign ownership of key infrastructure and financial sectors. The article then compared Lithuanian State Economic Security with 23 other Similarly Situated States. Similarly Situated States are democratic states with a population greater than one million which have a tense political relationship with at least one close treading partner. The comparison found that three distinct groups of Similarly Situated States exist, the first group is most similar to Lithuania and consists of post-Soviet democracies which have political tensions with Russia. The second group is comprised of states which have tensions with China due to sovereignty or human rights issues. States in this group are found exclusively in Asia and Oceania. A third final group consists of States which have proprietary political tensions with various states and Latin American stats which Tense Trading relationships stemming from Pan-American regional political disputes. Lithuania has the highest per capita GDP in the Post-Soviet Democracies group and is near the ranks near the median of all tree groups on most other socio-economic indicators. The paper finally compared Lithuania with the other countries using quantitative composite State Economic Security resilience indicators in addition to the country specific State Economic Security situation in three of the states. The quantitative review found that Lithuania scores near the median of State Economic Security resilience indicators and is has the second highest level of latent state economic resilience in the first group, scoring slightly behind Estonia. The country specific review compared the circumstances in Lithuania to those in South Korea, Taiwan and Georgia. Section revealed that individual and regional circumstances enhance Lithuanian State Economic Security in comparison to the other 22 countries. The review also showed that Lithuanian State has economic conflicts more significant trading partners than any of the other countries reviewed.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2021