Title Joe Biden’s political communication on Twitter during the 2020 united states presidential elections /
Translation of Title Joe Bideno politinė komunikacija „Twitter“ 2020 metų Jungtinių Valstijų prezidento rinkimų laikotarpiu.
Authors Lu, Linyu
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Pages 66
Keywords [eng] political communication ; Twitter ; presidential election ; United States
Abstract [eng] Twitter is one of the main tools used by contemporary politicians for political communication. It has been characterized by clear and concise information, which is conducive to disseminating information and enhancing the effect of election communication. Different politicians use Twitter to communicate with the public in different ways. It is imperative to understand the effect of using Twitter for political communication under certain circumstances, which is of great significance to understand political communication from macro as well as micro levels. The 2020 U.S. presidential election has passed, and Joe Biden, as the new president, takes Twitter as one of the primary social platforms to communicate with the people. During his campaign, his application and interaction with Twitter changed dramatically. This paper takes Joe Biden’s political communication on Twitter during the 2020 U.S. presidential elections as the research object, analyzes the context of the 2020 US presidential election with secondary data analysis, and inspects all his tweets during the election by quantitative content analysis, and makes a comprehensive analysis of Joe Biden's political communication on Twitter during the 2020 United States presidential election. The combination of professional and private aspects is the characteristic of Joe Biden’s political communication on Twitter during the 2020 United States election campaign. Meanwhile, the content style of Joe Biden’s tweets is diversified and inclusive. According to the results of quantitative content analysis, whether to interact with other Twitter accounts in the tweets, the communication level of the tweets, and the form of the tweets are all interactive factors that affect his political communication on Twitter. However, it should be noted that for the political communication on Twitter, using seemingly interactive methods may not achieve better interactive effects, such as two-way political communication and enriching the content of tweets, which fully shows that the form and outcome of communication depend on the application way, environment and expected goal.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2021