Title Cultural background transference when translating soft and hard news /
Translation of Title Kultūrinio konteksto perteikimas verčiant lengvąsias ir rimtąsias naujienas.
Authors Milašius, Aurimas
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Pages 244
Keywords [eng] soft and hard news ; transference of cultural background ; translation strategies on word level ; textual translation strategies ; type of translator
Abstract [eng] Since the development of innovative technologies, the current information era has seen an increase of communication and communicative writing in the news industry. New digital media platforms, such as the Internet, social media, news apps, etc., provided faster and easier accessibility to news than traditional news providing platforms (television, newspapers, radio). The increase of communicative writing and the need for more information on various scale, encouraged more news production on both professional and non-professional levels. For the convenience of culturally diverse audiences and different cultural factors (languages, religions, values, etc.), a lot of news have been translated on a global scale. Since it is physically impossible for a journalist representing every culture and writing in every language to provide fast and credible original sources of news, the translation process is applied in the industry. In fact, there are so many translated news, that translation of news has become a natural part of news production and providing to different audiences. An increased amount of sensationalism in international news, requires a detailed research on news translation and transference of cultural background in the target language – Lithuanian. This project focuses on researching the main types of news (soft and hard news) which are translated based on information from a single or the most dominating source in the target text. 25 articles of soft international online news and corresponding translations, as well as 25 articles of hard international news and corresponding translations, sumed up to 100 articles used for analysis of transference of cultural background through translation strategies in news. News articles in the source language (English) and the target language (Lithuanian) were collected from such sources as BBC News, New York Post, France 24, Daily Mail, The Guardian, Nippon, Euronews, The Moscow Times, CNN, 15min, LRT, DELFI žinios, Verslo žinios, Lietuvos rytas, Kauno diena, etc. For thorough analysis of translation process and transference of cultural background, translation strategies on a word and textual levels were identified and analysed. For the analysis on a word level, the model of media news translation strategies consisting of eight predetermined translation strategies was chosen. For the analysis on a textual level, the set of most used translation strategies and extra-textual elements, applied in news translation to deal with cultural diversity and provide more comprehension on foreign cultural background, were used. Additionally, a type of translator who performed the process of translation and greatly impacted transference of foreign cultural background, was identified in every analysed translated article of soft and hard news. This project analyses the process of translation and transference of cultural background on different levels of translation: type of translator, textual translation strategies, translation strategies on a word level, which all are related and cannot be achieved without one another.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2021