Title Ekologiškos prekės pakuotės poveikis vartotojų ketinimui pirkti neuromarketingo aspektu /
Translation of Title Impact of ecological product packaging on consumers’purchase intention from a neuromarketing perspective.
Authors Katkovaitė, Akvilė
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Pages 118
Keywords [eng] ecological product packaging ; consumer attitude ; willingness to pay ; consumers’ purchase intention ; neuromarketing
Abstract [eng] Changing environmental trends, increasing consumer awareness and sustainable consumption priorities are changing consumers' attitudes towards packaging and adjusting consumption habits. Packaging waste and its recycling are becoming an increasing problem due to excessive consumerism, and responsible consumers are beginning to associate product packaging with environmental degradation. This is also driving change in the packaging sector. The situation discussed justifies the need to develop ecological product packaging and forces manufacturers to look for new ways to attract consumers' attention and stand out from the competition. It also encourages greater scientific interest in the impact of ecological product packing on consumer purchase intention. However, it is still not clear which elements of ecological product packaging and how they influence consumer choice. In order to better understand ecological product packaging, it is necessary to know how the ecological product packaging affects consumers' purchase intention, either directly or through intermediate variables. The application of neuromarketing principles in the development of ecological product packaging is becoming increasingly important in terms of positive effects on consumer behaviour. With this in mind, the final master’s project formulates the following problematic questions: How does organic product packaging affect consumers’ purchase intention? how is it adjusted by the application of neuromarketing principles in ecological product packaging? The object of this research is ecological product packaging and its determined purchase intention. The aim of the project is to theoretically and empirically substantiate the impact of ecological product packaging on consumers' intention to purchase, illustrating it with the application of neuromarketing principles in the development of ecological cosmetic product packaging. Project objectives: 1. to argue the relevance of research of ecological product packaging impact on consumers' intention to purchase related to the neuromarketing perspective; 2. after identifying and systematizing the elements and types of product packaging, to reveal the features of the ecological product packaging and the requirements set for it; 3. to perform a theoretical analysis of the factors determining the behaviour of consumers when choosing ecological product packaging; 4. to substantiate the application of the neuromarketing concept in the development of ecological product packaging and to analyse the possibilities of consumer reactions to it; 5. to develop a conceptual model of the impact of ecological product packaging on consumers' purchase intention, in the context of the application of neuromarketing principles, and provide an empirical basis for it in the case of ecological cosmetic product packaging; 6. to define the possibilities of application of the model based on the results of theoretical and empirical research and directions of further research. Project results. Based on the performed theoretical analysis, a conceptual model of the impact of ecological product packaging on consumers' intention to purchase was developed. The inclusion of all elements of ecological product packaging in the model and the expression in the choice of product packaging is based on the use of neuromarketing research results. To empirically justify the model the packaging of ecological cosmetics was chosen. The empirical study was based on the responses of 300 respondents, whose analysis revealed that the message communicated by the company has a positive direct impact on consumers' purchase intention, attitude, and willingness to pay. In addition, the packaging elements of the ecological product packaging, such as the colour of the packaging, the packaging material, the eco-label and the message communicated by the company, were found to have an indirect effect on consumers' intention to purchase ecological cosmetics product packaging through attitude and willingness to pay. The results of the research revealed that the ecological toothpaste packaging developed on the basis of neuromarketing principles attracted attention and encouraged consumers’ intention to buy, but it should also be noted that the respondents do not want to pay more for the ecological toothpaste packaging. Also, respondents preferred a matte natural / brown colour ecological package with isolated elements, created using neuromarketing techniques.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2021