Title Organinių skyles pernešančių puslaidininkių stabilumo ir būdų jam gerinti naudojant karbazolo bei ditien[3,2-b:2′, 3′-d]pirolo darinius tyrimas /
Translation of Title Stability of organic hole transporting materials and ways to enhance it using carbazole and dithieno[3,2-b:2′,3′-d]-pyrrole derivatives.
Authors Kasparavičius, Ernestas
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Pages 54
Keywords [eng] perovskite solar cell ; hole transporting material ; stability ; monolayer
Abstract [eng] Alternative energy sources can supply the growing demand for energy and one of the most promising energy sources are photovoltaic systems. Over the last decade, perovskite solar cells have attracted considerable scientific and industrial interest due to their uncomplicated production and high efficiency. Perovskite solar cell technology is rapidly approaching commercialization, however, this new technology still lacks sufficient understanding on the stability of the devices. In this PhD thesis degradation pathways in organic hole transporting materials used in perovskite solar cells were identified. Using newly gained knowledge new hole-transporting molecules capable of forming self-assembled monolayers on the surface on electrically conductive oxides have been synthesized and investigated. Tandem solar cells, demonstrating record efficiency, have been achieved using these new hole-transferring materials.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Summaries of doctoral thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2021