Title Burokėlių (Beta vulgaris) ir bruknių (Vaccinium vitis-idaea l.) lapų preparatų antioksidacinės savybės ir įtaka toksinių mejaro reakcijos produktų susidarymui maisto modelinėse sistemose /
Translation of Title Beetroot (Beta vulgaris) and lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea l.) leaves preparations antioxidative characteristics and impact on the formation of toxic maillard reaction products in food model systems.
Authors Račkauskienė, Ieva
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Pages 34
Keywords [eng] maillard reaction ; Beta Vulgaris ; Vaccinium Vitis-Idaea L. ; AGEs ; heterocyclic amines
Abstract [eng] Thermal processing of foods is an essential and highly beneficial step that ensures microbiological stability and forms the desired sensorial and technological properties. However, thermal heating produces toxic to human health compounds that are linked to diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and cancer. There is a growing consumption of processed foods in the whole world, therefore there is an emerging need to control the chemical reactions in foods to make better quality food. The study investigates the interaction between the Maillard reaction and phenolic compounds to find the plant preparations that inhibit the formation of toxic Maillard reaction products. It was investigated the effect of betalains isolated from beetroot and phenolic compounds isolated from lingonberry leaves on toxic Maillard reaction products formation in meat and milk model systems. The antioxidative properties of plant preparations were analyzed by using various in vitro methods and their chemical composition was determined by ultra-performance liquid chromatography. The plant preparations showed the inhibition action on toxic Maillard reaction products, but their effects were highly dependent on the tested model system, the concentration in use, and their chemical composition. Phenolic compounds present in lingonberry leaves that inhibit or induce the formation of toxic Maillard reaction products were determined. The results of this study can be used to develop functional ingredients for processed foods.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Summaries of doctoral thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2020