Title Chrome plating on ABS plastic /
Translation of Title ABS plastiko paviršiaus nikeliavimas chromu.
Authors Narayampalliyalil, Ravikumar Ajaykumar
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Pages 52
Keywords [eng] chrome plating ; ABS plastics ; optimization.
Abstract [eng] Plating on plastics is mainly used technology that provides decorative and functional finishes in the plastics. Chrome plating on plastic parts is widely used for decorative purposes. The application where the chrome plating are automobile industry, home appliance, electrical devices. The chrome plating have their own set of process steps to be carried out and some defects related to it. The main aim of the projects are Chrome plating process had been investigation had been done and the problems are identified. And according to problems identified some consideration are have been made. The solution is drawn by the considerations and the recommendation are given. This work also reviews the optimization of the parameters to obtain the best quality in the chrome plating of the ABS plastic. The main defect which have been identified is in-mold stress which have been produced during the molding of the part. In this work the material used is POLYLAC PA 272 of ABS plastics. By optimizing the parameters like cooling time, mold temperature and pressure hold time. The software used for analyzing and optimizing the parameters like cooling time, mould temperature and hold time is Solidworks plastics 2014. And it is identified that according to the process parameters of industrial reference, by changing the parameters like the mold temperature, cooling time, hold time will impacts the in the in-mold stress.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2015