Title The effect of surface silylation of lignocellulosic wheat waste on the morphology and properties of polypropylene composites /
Translation of Title Lignoceliuliozinių kviečių atliekų paviršiaus sililinimo įtaka polipropileno kompozitų struktūrai ir savybėms.
Authors Madeswaran, Vinodkumar
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Pages 51
Keywords [eng] lignocellulosic waste ; polypropylene composites ; silylation ; hexamethyldisilane
Abstract [eng] This study analyzes polypropylene and its lignocellulosic waste composition. Two types of wheat waste such as wheat sieves and wheat husk were used. Due to the increase of compatibility with the PP matrix, the surface of waste particles was silylated with HMDS by the chemical vapor deposition method. The effect of the surface changes on the lignocellulosic waste structure and properties was investigated and analyzed by using various testing methods. The wheat waste-filled PP composite was prepared by using injection molding. It was obtained that silylation increases waste particles interaction at the interface. Therefore, the strength of the PP composition increases. The management aspect of the wheat waste-filled PP composition was analyzed and the probability for manufacturing the new wheat waste-filled PP product was carried out. This research was carried out for the implementation of the activity of project no. J05-LVPA-K-04-0045 “Development of Innovative Plastic and Other Additive Composite with Distinctive Physical and Chemical Properties” which is provided by European Regional Development Fund according to the 2014-2020 ‘Operational Program for the European Union Funds Investment ’ under measure No.J05-LVPA-K “Intellect Joint Science-Business Projects” (Coordinator UAB Vilkritis, the period of implementation 28-02-2019 - 27-02-2021).
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2021