Title Pagyvenusių žmonių sveikatos stiprinimui skirtų Kauno miesto sveikatos politikos priemonių analizė /
Translation of Title Analysis of Kaunas city health policy measures for strengthening the health of the elderly.
Authors Gustė, Dovilė
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Pages 82
Keywords [eng] healthy aging ; the elderly aging ; health promotion ; health policy
Abstract [eng] As the number of older people in the world increases, it is becoming important to address the major health problems of the elderly population related to sedentary lifestyles, unhealthy diets, increased smoking, and alcohol consumption. Health policy and other public policies aim to ensure successful aging through physical activity, social interaction, learning, and a healthy lifestyle. It ensures the integration and participation of older people in various areas of society and strengthens health. Decisions must be taken at the central government, local government, and local communities that involve both public and private organizations to improve older people's health. Research problem: Kaunas city health policy lacks attention and measures to strengthen the health of the elderly. The object of research: health promotion measures for the elderly applied in Kaunas. The project aims to determine the possibilities of the development of Kaunas city health policy measures aimed at strengthening the health of the elderly. Objectives of the project: 1) to develop a theoretical research model of health policy measures aimed at strengthening the health of the elderly; 2) to discuss measures and opportunities for strengthening the health of the elderly in Lithuanian municipalities; 3) to study Kaunas city health policy measures aimed at strengthening the health of the elderly; 4) to provide recommendations for the improvement of Kaunas city health policy in the field of strengthening the health of the elderly. Research methods: literature analysis, analysis of legal acts, analysis of documents, analysis of statistical data, questionnaire survey. After assessing the measures and opportunities for strengthening the health of the elderly in Lithuanian municipalities, most of the measures are devoted to improving people's physical and mental health, but there is a lack of measures for social health. After interviewing the clients of Kaunas City Health Center "Linija" and the participants of Kaunas City Municipality VSB project "Promotion of Healthy Lifestyle in Kaunas City," it can be concluded that among elderly people, women care more about health than men who lack health care habits. The first part of the work examines the concept of public policy, areas, importance, objectives, implementation process, and actors; the concept, importance, objectives, implementation process, and measures of health policy; the concept of health, tools, and participants; the concept, health, behavior of the elderly. Based on the analysis of theoretical components, a research model of health policy measures aimed at strengthening the health of the elderly was developed. The second part of the work analyzes the regulation of health policy. An evaluation of the Republic of Lithuania's health policy objectives and measures in the context of strengthening the health of the elderly is presented. The third part of the work presents a qualitative and quantitative study on the need for health promotion of Kaunas city older people and its measures. It provides recommendations on the areas of Kaunas city municipality to develop health promotion of older people and their measures.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2021