Title Žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymas įgyvendinant slaugos politiką Lietuvoje /
Translation of Title Human resources management while implementing nursing policy in Lithuania.
Authors Kasiulionytė, Aušra
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Pages 83
Keywords [eng] nursing ; nursing policy ; attraction ; motivation ; human resources
Abstract [eng] Life expectancy is increasing around the world. With increasing life expectancy, people’s need for health care is growing. The demand for doctors and nurses is growing faster than the supply, so it is important to find out how to attract and retain new nurses. Attraction and retention of employees is explored in theories of human resource management. At present, there are enough nurses in many parts of the world. Due to aging, the need for nurses is rapidly growing, and it is predicted that the shortage of nurses worldwide will become more significant by the year 2030. The novelty of the topic is shown by the fact that in some countries, such as Lithuania, the guidelines for nursing policy are new – in Lithuania, nursing policy was adopded for the first time only in 2016. The problem of this research– how can the problem of nursing staff shortage be solved by applying human resource management solutions? The object of this project is human resource management. The aim of the project is to analyze the problems of human resource management while implementing nursing policy in Lithuania. To achieve this goal, the following project objectives were set: U1) to study the theoretical aspects of human resource management while implementing nursing policy; U2) to perform a comparative analysis of the human resource management models applied by the selected countries; U3) to study human resource management while implementating nursing policy in Lithuania. The research was carried out using the following methods: analysis of scientific literature, comparative analysis of legal acts and data sources, quantitative descriptive research, analysis of descriptive statistics and linear regression. Critical areas for attracting and retaining human resources have been identified through the analysis of the scientific literature. A comparative analysis of HR attraction and retention practices in Norway and Lithuania was carried out using legislation and data sources. In order to assess the current situation in Lithuania, a quantitative descriptive study was conducted. The collected quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and linear regression analysis. The quantitative research revealed that the attraction of nurses by offering state-funded nursing studies in Lithuania is sufficient. Nurses in Lithuania are mostly motivated by personal qualities, vocation, and interest in the profession. The main disturbance of nurses' motivation are salaries that do not meet the efforts and expectations, and nursing managers being not inspiring enough. The career of a nurse in Lithuania does not depend on the level of qualification acquired by the nurse, there is no sufficient differentiation of remuneration. Managers do not have enough empowerment to individualize career paths for employees. The changes in nursing policy currently implemented in Lithuania are not effective: the planned measures have been implemented only partially, and there is a gradual distrust of the state's interest in the well-being of nurses. In order to retain nurses, the most important thing is to pay attention to the individual - to give the employee the opportunity to present their insights both in the workplace and in the formation of nursing policy and to receive feedback accordingly. Human resource management while implementing nursing policy comparative analysis with Norway revealed that these issues could be effectively addressed by applying good practice of Norway: to involve nurses and nurses' organizations in policy-making, to regulate qualification and career relation, which would allow individualising of each nurse's career during the annual interview with the supervisor, thus giving the nurse an opportunity to express his or her expectations, be heard, and feel respected by supervisors. This final project consists of 3 parts. Each part of the work is divided into sections according to the nature of the issue. The first chapter is devoted to the analysis of the theoretical aspects of nursing policy formation and human resource management. In the second chapter of the project, a comparative analysis of human resources management while implementing nursing policy is performed in Lithuania and the leading country (Norway). The third part examines the human resource management while implementing nursing policy in 2020. in Lithuania, the methodology of the empirical research and the results of the research are described. The project consists of 76 pages, 25 tables, 10 figures, 4 appendices. 62 sources of scientific literature and 35 sources of legal acts and data were used.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2021