Title Darbuotojų bendrojo saviveiksmingumo stiprinimas pasitelkiant dinamiško valdymo principus /
Translation of Title Increasing employee general self-efficacy through the principles of dynamic management.
Authors Skliaustys, Andrius
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Pages 85
Keywords [eng] dynamic management ; general self-efficacy ; sociocracy ; organizational management
Abstract [eng] Global management and industry trends, a dynamic business environment and increasing competition are forcing organizations to respond quickly to change and seek new business management solutions. Purposeful selection of organizational management models and methods and effective human resource management are among the most important factors in ensuring the success of business organizations. The activities of an organization based on the principles of dynamic management are focused on the hierarchy of responsibilities and discussions and decisions made by consensus, exchange of information, expression of opinions, etc. Such an organizational environment and work principles increase the overall self-efficacy of employees which enables them to make independent decisions in their daily work activities and to take responsibility for their activities. The object of the work: the links between the general self-efficacy of employees and the principles of dynamic management. The aim of the work is to study the principles of dynamic management that strengthen the general self - efficacy of employees. The aim of the work is detailed by the tasks that determined the following project structure: the theoretical part reveals the concept of dynamic management and its development, the concept of self-efficacy and its types, the concept analysis of dynamic management and general self-efficacy are made, the principles of dynamic management and features of general self-efficacy are identified and substantiated, the theoretical assumptions of the links between general self-efficacy and dynamic management principles are presented. The project part presents the results of a quantitative study revealing the expression of the employee general self-efficacy level and the principles of dynamic management in business enterprises. Correlation analysis was used to identify the links between the employee’s general self-efficacy level and the principles of dynamic management in business enterprises. The methodology of the work which helped to solve the tasks consists of the analysis of scientific literature, questionnaire survey, statistical data analysis, descriptive statistics, correlation analysis. In the theoretical part of the work, based on the analysis of scientific literature, three principles of dynamic management (dynamic government elections, decision-making process and dynamic circular company structure) are highlighted. Employees general self-efficacy features (adaptation, positive attitude, past experience, stress management, perseverance, etc.) formed by four principal sources of information: performance mastery experiences, indirect experiences, verbal persuasions and related types of social inspiration, physiological states are identified. In order to assess the expression of the principles of dynamic management and the level of employees’ general self-efficacy in Lithuanian business enterprises, a quantitative study was conducted. Its results showed that the expression of the principles of dynamic management in Lithuanian business enterprises reaches less than 50 percent. Assessing the statements of the research questionnaire separately, the expression of the majority of statements exceeds 50 percent and even differs significantly from the overall expression of the criterion. This shows that the principles of dynamic management are used in Lithuanian business enterprises in a non-systematic and non-methodical way, may be developed due to the influence of other organizational management principles or established due to organizational culture. The main obstacles to expressing dynamic governance are the problems of meeting moderation and the search for consensus. Assessing the expression of the general self-efficacy level, it was found that the majority of employees working in Lithuanian business enterprises have a medium or high level of general self-efficacy. The performed correlation analysis showed that in order to increase the level of employees’ general self-efficiency, it is expedient for Lithuanian business organizations to focus on changes in the dynamic circular company structure and employee responsibility.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2021