Title Lęšio precizinio centravimo laikiklyje įrenginys /
Another Title Device and method for precise centering of lens.
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Keywords [eng] optical lens ; piezoelectric transducer ; centering in the holder
Abstract [eng] Objective of the invention: increase the accuracy of lens centering in a barrel-type holder. The objective is achieved by the disclosed novel lens centering device which implements the lens linear displacements in a plane perpendicular to the longitu dinal axis of symmetry of the holder, and angular displacements with respect to this axis, by using two piezoelectric rings with sectioned electrodes and an intermediate spherical link. To determine the center of the lens position in the holder, the device uses a laser circular scan drive. All this makes it possible to simplify the design of the device and increase the accuracy of lens centering in the holder by eliminating the need of rotational movement of the lens and its holder.
Type Patent
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2020