Title A study of advancement in application opportunities of aluminum metal matrix composites /
Authors Sharma, Arun Kumar ; Bhandari, Rakesh ; Aherwar, Amit ; Rimasauskiene, Ruta ; Pinca-Bretotean, Camelia
DOI 10.1016/j.matpr.2020.02.516
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Is Part of Materials today: proceedings: 10th international conference of materials processing and characterization (ICMPC), GLA University, Mathura, India, February 21-23, 2020.. Oxford : Elsevier. 2020, vol. 26, pt. 2, p. 2419-2424.. ISSN 2214-7853
Keywords [eng] composite material ; metal matrix composite ; aluminum metal matrix ; applications ; aluminum
Abstract [eng] Materials are continuously developed with the time being due to the necessity of human civilization and therefore advancement of each material in its highest classes is the best research necessity. The search for new and advanced materials is always an important subject for contemporary technological requirements and to make a product at optimum cost which is a basic consumer demand. New materials are continually developed and materials properties improved in line with existing technological developments in order to meet safety and operational standards. Composites have developed continuously from its early to the advanced stages. The need and consumption of metal matrix composites (MMCs) continuously increasing worldwide with the time because of its high applications. A continuous need observed in industries which make the path to develop stronger lightweight material which having high efficiency and performance across a wide variety of industries. The product manufacturers are generally in need of lightweight, medium strength and less cost, for them aluminum metal matrix composites (AlMMCs) is an asset. AlMMCs for many engineering applications are seen as new generation potential materials. AlMMCs offer great promise for producing composites with the required properties for certain applications with a wide variety of reinforcing materials. The AlMMCs are evolved to obtain good mechanical and tribological characteristics with lightweight, based on specification and application requirements. In this article, various aspects and analysis of applications fields of AlMMCs discussed in brief.
Published Oxford : Elsevier
Type Conference paper
Language English
Publication date 2020
CC license CC license description