Title Procesų kieto kuro katile matematinis modeliavimas /
Another Title Mathematical modeling of processes in solid fuel boilers.
Another Title Математическое моделирование процессов в котле твердого топлива.
Authors Brazdeikis, Liudas ; Gilius, Algirdas
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Is Part of Žemės ūkio inžinerija. 2005, [T.] 37, Nr. 4, p. 78-90.. ISSN 1392-1134
Keywords [eng] Solid fuel boilers ; Gas generation ; Controlling ; Modeling
Abstract [eng] This model is applicable in designing and investigating the power controllers (water temperature in boiler) of solid fuel gas generation boilers. The electro-analogy of thermal processes is applied in order to construct boiler models. Electro-analogical model of boiler consist of current source, which models the remaining boiler heat, when the air is not compulsory supplied (fan is off); current source, which models the change of boiler capacity proportionally to air debit blown by fan; current source, which models the workload of boiler; electric volume (condenser), which model the total heat volume of boiler; delay line, which models the delay of the change of water temperature in boiler subject to the change of blown air. In order to establish the model rates, experimental researches on 25 kW and 31.5 kW nominal capacity boilers “Astra G” were carried out. During these experiments, working characteristics of two-position-controllable boilers (fan is off and on) under different capacity work loads were registered. Methodology and mathematical equations were composed in order to establish model rates. Value intervals of these rates were determined. In order to evaluate the adequacy of model, the boiler characteristics were compared with the experimental ones. It is concluded that, the constructed model with the established values of model rates is applicable to designing and testing the controllers of solid fuel gas generation boilers of 20-35 kW nominal capacity.
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2005