Title Ksantano susidarymo iš Xanthomonas campestris bakterijų tyrimai /
Translation of Title Studies of xanthan production by xanthomonas campestris bacteria.
Authors Gudavičiūtė, Dovilė
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Pages 72
Keywords [eng] xanthomonas campestris ; xanthan production ; properties ; growth media
Abstract [eng] Xanthan gum is one of the most popular ecopolysaccharides that is used in food, pharmacy, cosmetics, textile, agriculture industries. The main xanthan gum characteristics that made it so popular are: high visocity, pseudoplastic features, resistance to the effect of enzymes and salts, high stability in a wide range of pH and temperature, synergism with other biopolymers. Annual need of xanthan each year grows 5,7 %. Therefore xanthan gum production optimization is so important and actual nowadays in ecological and economical means. Many investigations are done regarding to the xanthan production. These researches have revealed important information about xanthan biosynthesis, molecular structure and characteristics. But there are still some questions and challanges that must be overcome. Few of them are fermentation medium composition and recovery process optimization. Moreower there are still not enough information about the use of other Xanthomonas strains for xanthan gum production and their modification. Furthermore important research area is with the usage of renewable resources and production waste as a carbon source for xanthan gum production. During the final project research, identified that using as a carbon source glucose and fructose have been produced the highest xanthan gum yield. Determined that carbon source shouldn‘t be higher than 2–4 %. As when the higher carbon source is used it inhibits bacterial cell grow. Established that using diammonium phosphate ((NH4)2HPO4) as a nitrogen source received the highest yield of xanthan gum. It can be affirmed that neorganic type nitrogen is better for xanthan gum production than organic. Using too much of additional materials xanthan gum production yield might be reduced. The overloaded medium might create unfavorable conditions for xanthan production. Determined that carbon and nitrogen source ratio in the medium is more important than their concentrations. This ratio should be bigger in the bacteria growth media.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2020