Title Biogeninių aminų kaupimasis Lietuvoje išaugintose daržovėse /
Translation of Title Acumuation of biogenic amines in Lithuanian vegetables.
Authors Zaborskienė, Gintarė ; Garmienė, Galina ; Jasutienė, Ina ; Šalaševičienė, Alvija
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Is Part of Sodininkystė ir daržininkystė.. Kaunas : Lietuvos sodininkystės ir daržininkystės institutas. 2007, t. 26(1), p. 149-156.. ISSN 0236-4212
Keywords [eng] biogenic amine ; vegetables ; histamine ; cadaverine ; putrescine ; tiramine
Abstract [eng] The amounts of biogenic amines (putrescine, histamine, cadaverine and tyramine) were determined in fresh vegetables: carrot, potato, beetroot, yellow pepper, cauliflower, broccoli, spinach and tomato. The maximum mean levels of tyramine (330.8-491.1 mg/kg) were detected in broccoli, that of putrescine were detected in tomato (27.8-35.7 mg/kg), that of histamine were detected in beetroot (50.2-84.2 mg/kg). This work presented the evaluation of amounts of biogenic amines in tomatoes and broccoli during vegetable ripening. The increase in amounts of biogenic amines were significantly different (P<0.05) between (1) pink and red tomato; and (2) green and yellow broccoli.
Published Kaunas : Lietuvos sodininkystės ir daržininkystės institutas
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2007