Title Mikroskopinių grybų augimą ruginėje-kvietinėje duonoje stabdančių medžiagų efektyvumo įvertinimas /
Another Title Evaluation of the inhibiting substances’ efficiency on the growth of microscopic fungi in a rye-wheat bread.
Another Title Определение эфективности веществ, подавляющих рост микроскопических грибов в ржано-пшеничном хлебе.
Authors Jakubauskienė, Lina ; Šalomskienė, Joana
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Is Part of Maisto chemija ir technologija.. Kaunas : KTU Maisto institutas. 2007, t. 41, Nr. 1, p. 5-12.. ISSN 1392-0227
Keywords [eng] Rye-wheat bread ; Mouldy bread ; Microscopic fungi ; Preservative ; Efficiency ; Microbial safety
Abstract [eng] The substances for preventing growth of microscopic fungi permissible by the normative documents in the bread industry have been chosen for testing, including the quantities. Control and experimental samples of a rye-wheat bread with different concentrations of sorbic acid and calcium propionate were baked. Bread starter was prepared from the culture of Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis (the collection of lactic acid bacteria of Food Institute of Kaunas University of Technology). The quality of the sliced and non-sliced rye-wheat bread was evaluated. The efficiency of different concentrations of sorbic acid and calcium propionate on the suppressing growth of microscopic fungi in rye-wheat bread was determined. Two ways of including preservatives into experimental samples were tested – 1) by spraying a preservative on the surface of bread and 2) by adding into the dough. It was determined that the maximum permissible level (2.0 g/kg sample) of calcium propionate (added it into the dough) in the sliced rye-wheat bread reduced the number of microscopic fungi effectively and the influence of small and average quantities of calcium propionate (0.5 and 1.0 g/kg sample) was not effective. The addition of sorbic acid (0.5 g/1000 g sample) resulted in the reduction of the number of microscopic fungi in the sliced rye-wheat bread more than by 100 times, in not sliced bread – more than by 10 times. Average and big amounts of sorbic acid (1.0 and 2.0 g/kg sample) inhibited the growth of spores of microscopic fungi effectively in the sliced and non-sliced rye-wheat bread irrespectively of the way of addition of the preservative. The results obtained are important in solving problems of the microbial safety of bread.
Published Kaunas : KTU Maisto institutas
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2007