Title Gliukoamilazių imobilizavimo būdų palyginimas ir panaudojimas krakmolingos žaliavos fermentinei hidrolizei /
Translation of Title Comparison of glucoamylase immobilization methods and their application for enzymatic hydrolysis of starchy raw material.
Authors Prakopavičiūtė, Laura
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Pages 67
Keywords [eng] glucoamylase ; immobilization ; enzyme activity ; kinetic parameters
Abstract [eng] This master 's thesis reviews the possibilities of immobilization of commercial glucoamylases and their application for the hydrolysis of starch raw material. The influence of temperature and medium pH on the activity of commercial glucoamylases was investigated and the optimal conditions for enzymatic hydrolysis were selected. Glucoamylases were immobilized in three different methodologies: (i) Entrapment, (ii) Covalent bonding and (iii) Cross-Linked aggregating. Immobilization efficiency was determined. The properties of immobilized glucoamylases were investigated: the influence of pH and temperature, storage stability and the main kinetic parameters such as Michael constant, initial and maximum reaction rate. Immobilized glucoamylases were applied for starch raw material hydrolysis. Duration of hydrolysis and the number of reused cycles were determened.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2020