Title Research on information quality in corporate social and environmental reports /
Translation of Title Socialinių ir aplinkosauginių ataskaitų informacijos kokybės tyrimas.
Authors Taparauskaitė, Gabrielė
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Pages 75
Keywords [eng] social ; environmental ; report quality ; sustainability ; quality index
Abstract [eng] During the research on information quality in Corporate social and environmental reports the members of the Lithuanian Responsible Business Association and their publicly available social and environmental reports were examined and the report quality index was determined. In addition, the quality of social and environmental information provided on the websites of LAVA members was examined. It has been found that more companies present social and environmental information on websites, but the information provided in the reports provides an overview of more criteria and is set out and analyzed in more detail. During the research, the analysis of LAVA companies determined which companies are required to submit social and environmental reports, and which companies can submit reports on a voluntary basis. The preparation of the report increases the confidence of stakeholders in the company's activities and allows the company to assess its weaknesses and strengths, identify emerging risks, manage them and create a long-term action plan for the company. It was established that all LAVA members who were required to submit reports submitted them. The study, using GRI standards in the social and environmental field and a qualitative research method, where each criterion is assigned a score based on the quality of the information provided, found that mandatory reports have a better quality of information than voluntary reports. This shows that mandatory reporting is more obligatory for companies to provide quality information in the social and environmental field and to review more areas that are relevant to the company. Analyzing the data for 2017-2019, it was found that the quality of social and environmental information improves over time and companies pay more attention to the provision of quality information. Although the average quality of the reports was still found to be low, this indicator may have been affected by the disregard for the different areas of activity of the companies and the emphasis on criteria relevant to those companies, as all companies' social and environmental reports were assessed according to the same GRI standards. Lithuanian, European and worldwide governmental and non-governmental organizations contribute to the promotion of the social and environmental sphere, the improvement of the situation and take actions to prevent problems in the social and environmental sphere. Positive change is being pursued, both through additional research and through in-company training or legislation to give more control to this area. There is still a lack of information, research, valuable examples that would accelerate the increase in the quality of the information provided, so additional resources in the social and environmental field are needed. Existing changes would not only protect natural resources, reduce the negative impact of companies on the environment, increase the safety and social well-being of employees and stakeholders, but also help the company refine its long-term goals to increase its sustainability.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2020