Title Darbo reikalavimų ir išteklių vaidmuo formuojant skirtingų kartų darbuotojų inovatyvią elgseną /
Translation of Title Role of job demands and resources in developing the innovative behaviour of employees of different generations.
Authors Ciganė, Urtė
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Pages 96
Keywords [eng] innovative work behaviour ; job resources ; job demands ; generations
Abstract [eng] In today's knowledge – driven economy, innovative work behaviour is attracting interest in achieving a competitive advantage for the organization. Not only innovative behaviour is important, but also the factors that determine it. Therefore, it becomes necessary to analyze job demands and resources that have an impact on this behaviour. Despite the fact that innovative work behaviour, job demands and resources are becoming increasingly relevant in a rapidly changing business environment, research on the interrelationships between these phenomena is still lacking. There is also a lack of empirical research focused on different generations of employees. So, the aim of this work is to find out what job demands, resources encourage and has a negative effect on innovative behaviour depending on the generation. The object of the study: job demands and resources encourage and has a negative effect on innovative work behaviour of different generations of employees. The purpose of the study: is to reveal the role of work demands and resources that encourage and has a negative effect on innovative work behaviour of different generations of employees. The results of the study: after analyzing the concept of innovative work behaviour and its components, one of the latest proposals is to treat innovative behavior as a six – component phenomenon, which includes: idea generation, idea search, idea communication, implementation starting activities, involving others and overcoming obstacles. After analyzing scientific literature, it can be told that five work resources (managerial support, co –worker support, job clarity, participation in decision – making, career opportunities) have a positive impact on innovative work behavior and four job demands (emotional workload, work – life conflict, overload, role conflicts) have negatively affect on this behavior. When the empirical study was carried out, it also revealed that the most characteristic of the respondents is the component „idea search“. The evaluation of innovative work behaviour between generations showed that this behaviour is more typical for the Generation X compared to the Generation Y. In manufacturing sector, innovative behaviour is mainly encouraged by participation in decision – making, supervisor and co – workers support, but innovative behavior is negatively affected by the emotional workload. Analyzing job demands and resources by generations, it was found that emotional workload, work – life conflict, role conflicts, managerial support, participation in decision – making, and career opportunities did not differ significantly between X and Y generations. However, Generation X was found to be more affected by overload. Despite the fact that Generation X is more overload, it receives more support from co – workers and their job position is clearer to them compared to Generation Y.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2020