Title Microrrelatos en la red. Desarrollando la escritura creativa a través de Twitter en la clase de E/LE /
Translation of Title Micro-stories in the Net. Developing the creative writing using Twitter in the E/LE classroom.
Authors Enguix Barber, Ricardo
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Is Part of Foro de profesores de E/LE.. Valencia : Universitat de València. 2016, No. 12, p. 71-76.. ISSN 1886-337X
Keywords [eng] micro-story ; writing skills ; collaborative writing ; Twitter ; E/LE ; selfcorrection
Abstract [eng] The aim of this didactic proposal consists in developing the writing skills by means of the collaborative composition of micro-stories, using the micro-blogging platform Twitter, and the self-correction of these micro-stories by the students themselves.
Published Valencia : Universitat de València
Type Journal article
Language Spanish
Publication date 2016
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