Title Kada galima tikėtis normalios krūvio miokardo perfuzijos pacientams, jaučiantiems skausmus krūtinėje, kuriems įtariama arba diagnozuota išeminė širdies liga /
Another Title When can normal stress myocardial perfusion scans be observed in patients with chest pain and known or suspected coronary artery disease?
Authors Milvidaitė, Irena ; Kulakienė, Ilona ; Linonienė, Leonarda ; Gugienė, Laimutė ; Rusakevičienė, Elvyra ; Pauliutė, Jūratė
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Is Part of Medicina. 2004, t. 40, Nr. 7, p. 627-632.. ISSN 1010-660X
Keywords [eng] Myocardial ischemia ; Myocardium ; Myocardial reperfusion ; Exercise test
Abstract [eng] The aim of this study was to establish characteristic clinical data in patients with normal stress myocardial perfusion scans. Material and methods. 99mMIBI scintigraphy was performed following a one-day protocol (stress-rest) in 806 patients (out of them 451 men) with suspected or known coronary artery disease. A bicycle exercise test response was estimated as pathological, non-pathological, borderline and non-informative. Myocardial perfusion was scored according to the size and severity of defect. Results. Myocardial perfusion was normal in 287 (35.6%) patients. Univariate analysis showed, that normal stress myocardial perfusion scans more often were established in women than in men (p=0.00001, odds ratio 8.55), in patients with atypical anginal or non-anginal chest pain than with typical angina (p=0.0001, odds ratio 1.92), in patients without previous myocardial infarction (p=0.0001, odds ratio 3.28) and without myocardial revascularization (p=0.0001, odds ratio 3.28). The characteristic bicycle exercise test data for normal scans were non-pathological response vs pathological (p=0.00001, odds ratio 3.03) and reason of discontinuance – target heart rate achieved (85% of maximum) vs ischemic changes (p=0.0005, odds ratio 2.37). Conclusions. Normal stress myocardial perfusion scans were more often present in women, in patients with atypical angina or non-anginal chest pain, in patients without myocardial infarction and without myocardial revascularization. Achieved target heart rate and non-pathological response to exercise test were commonly observed in patients with normal perfusion scans.
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2004