Title Viešųjų paslaugų vartotojų pasitenkinimo vertinimo tobulinimas Lietuvoje /
Translation of Title Assessment of Public Service Customer Satisfaction Improvement in Lithuania.
Authors Grėbliauskienė, Raminta
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Pages 84
Keywords [eng] satisfaction ; assessment ; customer ; public services ; public sector
Abstract [eng] There is made analysis of customer’s satisfaction assessment developing possibilities in Lithuania, in this final Master‘s degree project. The aim of all modern organisation in Lithuania is permanent development and accommodation to customers’ requirements. An effective service security is responsibility of public sector is determined in laws. Obligation of public sector institutions is permanently assessing pursuing aims reasoning, influence of activity for state finances, and requirement organisation changes, obligate organisations to look for means for accommodating efficiency. Nowadays assessment of activity of institutions is making guiding according laws-recommendations. The analysts of public sector activity non-existent unitary assessment system naming as main, public sector administrating institutions activity limitation. One of activity assessment mean is assessment of customers’ satisfaction of public services. This mean requires additional time and finance sources because employees of institution are disabled to apply this tool in activity and get actual results is not effective. There is no perception of public sector leaders that assessment of customers’ satisfaction is permanent task, which must become part of organisation structure ant culture. Purpose of public services is requiring of customers’ meets so assessment of institutions which right making activity must assess customers which get their services. Customer’s satisfaction assessment developing possibilities is actual topic for Lithuania which reveal requirement of public sector developing in multiple administration system and helps make secure true assessment activity results and efficiency of assessment. It’s evident that topics is new that laws regulating customer’s satisfaction assessment are recommendation, for assessment of customers’ satisfaction easy accommodating tool is not developed yet and reports of customers’ satisfaction are not full, conclusions according them for developing activity and easily accommodate in activity. For assessment of afford public services is created one tool which accommodating is regulating only recommendation laws. Using this tool and making analysis gives no any benefit. Very often using limited statistical analysis, which not suggest solutions of problems only rising assumptions for service as product developing requirement. Analysis results is impressed political motivation to give for public positive activity results. So public sector development and true obligation performance is requiring evidential changes in customer’s satisfaction assessment developing area. These changes must involve mentioned in methodical reference areas of assessment and process performing. Object of analysis: customer’s satisfaction assessment developing possibilities in Lithuania. There is reaching main aim in project: according theory models suggest directions for public sector institutions affordable services content assessment and developing process in Lithuania. Elevated problems for aim of project: 1) making analysis of understanding assessment, its meaning and methods. 2) dispute about conditions of assessment public services and practice in Lithuania, 3) Establish Lithuanian customers’ satisfaction assessment process lacks and developing directions. Reaching aim according elevated problems make law analysis of Lithuania and European Union, regulating public service activity processes and activity assessment. According analysis determined experts’ opinion and experience customer’s satisfaction assessment for public services further development of tools and process possibilities. There are afforded important elements for assessment and their benefits. There are recommendations which suggested to realize for institutions responsible for public sector administration and afford for customers too. Project consist of three chapters. In first chapter dispute about understanding public service and its properties, understating satisfaction and meaning of public services, customers and conveyors influence for assessment, methods and models of public service assessment. In second chapter disputes Lithuanian and European Union strategic documents and laws besides that afford public service customers assessment practical review. In third chapter afford analysis methods and results of analysis.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2020