Title Vartotojų pasitenkinimo Kauno rajono savivaldybės viešojo transporto paslaugomis tyrimas /
Translation of Title Study of consumer satisfaction with public transport services in Kaunas district municipality.
Authors Kaminskienė, Gita
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Pages 69
Keywords [eng] public service ; public transport ; consumer satisfaction ; determinants of consumer satisfaction ; quality of public service
Abstract [eng] With the rapid pace of globalization, users of public services have begun to demand increasingly modern and quality services. However, due to the specificity and complexity of public services, providing services that meet consumers' expectations is one of the major challenges. As a result, the public sector has taken over the practice of consumer satisfaction research from the private sector to adapt to changing consumer needs. Investigating consumer satisfaction with public services seeks to achieve mutual benefits by meeting consumer expectations and streamlining the delivery of public services. Consumer satisfaction with public services is a widely discussed topic in the work of both Lithuanian and foreign researchers. The concept of public transport and the features of this service are not dealt with extensively in the works of Lithuanian authors. Foreign authors pay much more attention to public transport in their works. Investigation problem. Since public transport services are provided in all major cities and districts of Lithuania, including Kaunas district, the question naturally arises, what factors determine the satisfaction of users of Kaunas public transport services? The object of the research is consumer satisfaction with public services. The subject of the research is the factors that determine the users' satisfaction with Kaunas district public transport services. The aim of the project is to identify the factors that determine the users' satisfaction with Kaunas district public transport services. Objectives of the project: 1) To analyze theoretical aspects of customer satisfaction with public transport services. 2) Examine strategic and legal aspects of consumer satisfaction with public transport services. 3) To carry out a study of the factors determining consumer satisfaction with public transport services in Kaunas District Municipality. The following methods were used for the survey of the users' satisfaction with Kaunas public transport services: analysis of scientific literature, analysis of strategic documents, quantitative research method - questionnaire survey. After analyzing the research data, it was found that the users are most dissatisfied with the accessibility and provision of public transport services in Kaunas district. The least objections were expressed to the service staff (drivers, controllers) and to the provision of route information, bus schedules. It should be noted that Kaunas District Municipality Annual Report 2014 and Planning Documents focused on improving (only one aspect) of the information system on public transport services and provided specific measures, which shows that information provision is evaluated relatively better than other public services quality elements. After conducting a study of users of public transport services in Kaunas district and having obtained sufficiently significant results, it is possible to make recommendations to public transport service planners, organizers and their providers to take measures to meet consumer expectations.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2020