Title Investigation of vibrations of a multilayered polymeric film /
Another Title Daugiasluoksnės polimerinės plėvelės virpesių tyrimas.
Authors Ragulskis, Kazimieras ; Dabkevičius, Artūras ; Kibirkštis, Edmundas ; Bivainis, Vaidas ; Miliūnas, Valdas ; Ragulskis, Liutauras Mykolas
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Is Part of Mechanika.. Kaunas : Technologija. 2009, Nr. 6, p. 30-36.. ISSN 1392-1207. eISSN 2029-6983
Keywords [eng] multilayered polymeric film ; vibrations ; packaging materials
Abstract [eng] Vibrations of a multi – layered polymeric film are investigated numerically by assuming that the film consists from three layers. The upper and lower layers are stiff and do not deform in the transverse direction, while the internal layer can deform in the transverse direction. The first four eigenmodes are analysed, graphical results of their investigation are presented. Experimental investigations of the multi – layered polymeric material PET+PAP+LDPE are performed exciting this material by forced vibrations. By using the method of digital speckle photography the first four eigenmodes are obtained. It is shown that with the increase of excitation frequency the eigenmodes change. The obtained results of numerical investigations are compared with the experimental ones. The obtained results of investigations are applied for the determination of characteristics and qualities of packaging materials.
Published Kaunas : Technologija
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2009
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