Title Effect of taxifolin on physicochemical and microbiological parameters of dry-cured pork sausage /
Authors Rokaityte, Anita ; Zaborskiene, Gintare ; Gustiene, Sonata ; Raudonis, Raimondas ; Janulis, Valdimaras ; Garmienė, Galina ; Stimbirys, Artūras
DOI 10.17221/57/2018-CJFS
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Is Part of Czech journal of food sciences.. Praha : Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences. 2019, vol. 37, no. 5, p. 366-373.. ISSN 1212-1800. eISSN 1805-9317
Keywords [eng] biogenic amines ; fatty acid ; L. carnosum ; P. pentosaceus ; S. xylosus
Abstract [eng] The effect of taxifolin (TXF) with starter cultures (SC), such as Leuconostoc carnosum, or a mixture of strains Pediococcus pentosaceus and Staphylococcus xylosus, on the TXF stability was evaluated. UPLC analysis demonstrated that after 181 days of storage total TXF content was the highest in samples with TXF and L. carnosum (60%), compared to the 1st day of storage. The sausages with TXF and the mixture of P. pentosaceus and S. xylosus (56%) followed next. The samples treated only with TXF retained 40% of TXF, compared to the 1st day of storage. TXF had no significant effect on the growth of lactic acid bacteria. The accumulation of biogenic amines (BA), including histamine and putrescine, was more effectively reduced in sausages inoculated with the TXF plus P. pentosaceus and S. xylosus mixture. Using this mixture, the rate of lipolysis and processes of lipid oxidation were effectively slowed down. Fatty acid (FA) composition was stable in all cases.
Published Praha : Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2019