Title An improvement of quality management and production processes in a metal manufacturing company /
Translation of Title Kokybės vadybos ir gamybos procesų tobulinimas metalo apdirbimo įmonėje.
Authors Poškus, Pijus
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Pages 56
Keywords [eng] acceptance sampling plan ; systematic layout planning ; standard work ; Lean
Abstract [eng] In the time of acceleration of Industry 4.0 an improvement of quality management and production processes is vital for all companies, which want to remain in the market. The need of metal manufacturing company ABF LT was to improve quality and production processes, so this project is dedicated for improvement of these processes in this company and reduction of wastes. Three main problems were indicated in the start of this project: 1) Acceptance sampling procedure in the company can be improved; 2) A layout of the milling department is not adapted to the present situation; 3) Quality and production processes in the milling department for one of the oldest products must be improved. Decisions for the solving of these problems were: prepare an universal acceptance sampling plan, propose a new layout for the milling department for a reduction of motion waste and prepare Standard work for part„s milling operations. An universal acceptance sampling plan was created by categorizing products by customer and accuracy of parts. For every group different Acceptable Quality Level (AQL) was assigned. A new layout for the milling department was created using Systematic Layout Planning (SLP) technique. This layout differs from other layouts created using SLP technique because it was created not analysing material flow, but analysing which combination of milling centres are vital and which milling centres have to be located nearby to reduce motion of operator. Standard work was written for part‟s second milling operation where standard time for every process step exposes step‟s execution time needed for an average operator. Research showed that an improvement of quality management and production processes in the company, which produce a big diversity of products, is quite complicated and lightly differs from theoretical solutions.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2019