Title ECG-based monitoring of electrolyte fluctuations during the long interdialytic interval /
Authors Alves dos Santos Rodrigues, Ana Rita ; Petrėnas, Andrius ; Kušleikaitė-Pere, Neda ; Laguna, Pablo ; Marozas, Vaidotas
DOI 10.22489/CinC.2018.277
ISBN 9781728109244
eISBN 9781728109589
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Is Part of Computing in cardiology 2018, September 23-26, 2018, Maastricht, Netherlands.. Piscataway, NJ : IEEE, 2018. vol. 45, p. 1-4.. ISSN 2325-8861. eISSN 2325-887X. ISBN 9781728109244. eISBN 9781728109589
Keywords [eng] noninvasive ; electrocardiogram processing ; hemodialysis ; electrolyte disorders ; composite model ; T wave
Abstract [eng] Hemodialysis (HD) patients have a higher risk of sudden death due to cardiac arrhythmias, which commonly occur during the long interdialytic interval (LII) as a result of electrolyte fluctuations (EFs). Noninvasive monitoring of EFs would enable restoring normal serum electrolyte levels (SELs) by performing early HD before the onset of arrhythmias. In this study, we propose an ECGderived descriptor, […], that is noise robust and capable of capturing EFs during HD and the LII. To investigate the variation of […], ECG and blood samples of 3 patients were acquired continuously, starting at Friday’s HD and ending at Monday’s HD. Results show that the increase of […] during Friday’s HD is correlated with the decrease of SELs. Moreover, […] tends to decrease during the LII (no blood samples were obtained) and further increases during Monday’s HD. If results in larger databases are confirmed, […] might be suitable for noninvasive monitoring of EFs during the LII.
Published Piscataway, NJ : IEEE, 2018
Type Conference paper
Language English
Publication date 2018
CC license CC license description