Title Application of sustainable biotechnological processes for waste-free processing of narrow-leafed lupine seeds and cheese whey /
Translation of Title Tvarių biotechnologinių procesų taikymas siauralapių lubinų sėklų ir sūrinių išrūgų beatliekiam perdirbimui.
Authors Klupšaitė, Dovilė
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Pages 48
Keywords [eng] lupine seeds ; fermentation ; protein functional properties ; cheese whey ; waste-free processing
Abstract [eng] Lupine seeds have a valuable nutritional content, but their use in human nutrition is limited by antinutritional compounds and lower protein digestibility. In order to increase the opportunities of using lupine seeds in the food industry, it is necessary to select certain processes for the processing of them. Based on the concept of waste-free processing, it is important to evaluate the application of biotechnological solutions to the processing of lignocellulosic lupine seeds biomass and other by-products from the food industry, such as cheese production, into more valuable products. The aim of the thesis – the waste-free processing of narrow-leafed lupine seeds and cheese whey into protein-rich supplements for wheat bread production, biogas or lactic acid, using lactic acid solid state fermentation (LAB SSF) and ultrasound treatment. LAB SSF in combination with ultrasound improved the functional properties of narrow-leafed lupine seeds protein, had a positive effect on in vitro digestibility and significantly reduced the activity of the trypsin inhibitor. The positive effect of ultrasound treatment on the debacterization of plant raw material and the management of enzyme activities was proved. The lupine seeds products, produced by LAB SSF using ultrasound treatment, were adapted to improve the quality of wheat bread. The possibilities of the formation of lactic acid in different substrate of origin (lupine seeds biomass and cheese whey), fermented with Pediococcus cultures were determined. The two-stage process was selected for the production of biogas, which produces the highest amount of methane and the degree of purity of the produced biogas. FaceReader software was adapted for the acceptability analysis of the tested wheat bread.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Summaries of doctoral thesis
Language English
Publication date 2019