Title Influence of inlay-yarn properties and insertion density on the compression properties of knitted orthopaedic supports /
Authors Ališauskienė, Diana ; Mikučionienė, Daiva ; Milašiūtė, Laima
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Is Part of Fibres and textiles in Eastern Europe.. Lodz : Institute of Biopolymers and Chemical Fibres. 2013, vol. 21, iss. 6, p. 74-78.. ISSN 1230-3666. eISSN 2300-7354
Keywords [eng] orthopaedic supports ; compressive knits ; laid-in-structure ; inlay-yarn
Abstract [eng] The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of inlay-yarn linear density and insertion density on the compression properties of knitted orthopaedic supports. Samples were made on a flat double needle-bed knitting machine with a laid-in structure knitted on a rib 1×1 pattern base, differing in the inlay-yarn linear density and their insertion density. It was established that for knitted samples with the same insertion density of inlay-yarn, values of pressure differ in the ranges of error if the linear density of the inlay-yarn differs even twice and less. In the area of low extensions (in our case – 10%), the linear pressure depends on the inlay-yarn’s PU core linear density, while the dependence of the elastic inlay-yarn’s insertion density on pressure values has an exponential character. However, the influence of inlay-yarn linear density on the compression of the knits investigated is not high. Moreover the raw material and linear density of covering yarns do not have any significant influence on pressure generated by the knit in the area of low extensions. When designing a knitted compressive support, it is necessary to find an optimal ratio between the elastic inlay-yarn’s linear density and insertion density, thereby achieving the best compressive, wear comfort and economical result.
Published Lodz : Institute of Biopolymers and Chemical Fibres
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2013
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