Title Research and development of methods and tools for microparticles separation from biological environments /
Translation of Title Mikrodalelių atskyrimo metodų ir priemonių tyrimai ir taikymai biologinėse terpėse.
Authors Golinka, Ievgeniia
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Pages 96
Keywords [eng] microparticles ; separation ; ultrasound ; piezoceramics
Abstract [eng] Separation of micro-scale bioparticles is an important issue in the identification and analysis of industrial, biochemical and clinical applications. In order to achieve this goal, microfluidics have been actively adapted since they can accurately manipulate microparticles. Microfluidic microparticle separation techniques are divided into passive and active ones. In active techniques, magnetic or electric fields, optical interaction or acoustic waves are used for optical, magnetic or dialectical interaction of microparticles. Passive methods use distinctive physical properties of the particles, such as their size, density and, in particular, the deformability of cells. However, passive methods tend to suffer from lower selectivity than active methods. The intensification of life and the development of technologies increasingly require the treatment of a larger volume of bioparticles. There is obvious need for low-cost and energy-efficient microparticle separation/purification devices which would be easy to transport and quick to prepare for work in emergency situations (e.g., in a car accident). The research and development of such measures is covered in this work.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Doctoral thesis
Language English
Publication date 2018